Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics

Trust in Our Expertise 

It is our aim to work with you to achieve the results and changes you are seeking. Your journey starts with an initial consultation where your ideas, concerns and expectations are listened to. We will provide you with an honest opinion as to what is achievable and, where possible, the ways in which your goals can be realised. 


The Wye Clinic prides itself on being able to offer a range of surgical and non-surgical treatments. To take a look at all procedures offered by Mr Chapman please follow the link to his website

We explore all options

Every patient is unique with different aspirations. The plastic and aesthetics team at The Wye Clinic believe it is their job to understand and help patients on their journey, to become the best possible version of themselves. Our team ethos sees us work in a partnership with patients to ensure we deliver individualised care in the best possible surroundings, whilst making no compromise on outcome or safety.


Why not Go Platinum?

Discover our range of premium options to help you experience the very best in modern healthcare: chauffeur transfers, luxury overnight accommodation and fine dining at The Castle House Hotel and professional help with your aftercare thanks to our partnership with Katherine Harriet Bespoke Home Care.


Central location with Finance options available

You will easily find us in central Hereford with plenty of on-site parking, very close to the new development, Old Market Shopping Centre & Waitrose. There is no need for a referral, nor do you need to have private medical insurance and finance options are available for all our procedures, if required. Click here for more information.

Meet the team

Mr Chapman

Mr Chapman was born and bred in the three counties and trained in Bristol as well as completing a variety of competitive fellowships In London and abroad. He has been a consultant plastic surgeon since 2011 specialising in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. His NHS work is based in Bristol and Gloucester. He is responsible for the training of plastic surgeons in the Southwest UK and has contributed to guidelines, review papers and textbooks.

He is a frequent speaker on the international stage. Mr Chapman can offer the full spectrum of plastic surgery procedures including facial plastic surgery, body recontouring, breast surgery and skin cancer/skin lesion and lump removal treatment, often with the benefit of minimal scarring.